Vehicles of the Royal Air Force


RAF Ford SnoGo snow blower.

RAF Thorneycroft crane truck.

RAF improvised utility crash tender.

RAF improvised utility crash tender.

RAF Commer Q2 tractor with a shortened Queen Mary trailer converted for use as a laboratory or mobile office.

RAF Commer Q2 tractor with flatbed semi-trailer.

RAF Austin K6 6x4 3-ton CO2 fire crash tender.

RAF Mack NR6, North Africa.

RAF Mack NR6’s, North Africa.

RAF Mack NR6 with stake body trailer, North Africa.

RAF 1938 Chevy stake truck.

RAF Austin K6 6x4 with expandable office body.

RAF Crossley IGL 3-ton 6x4 used in the 1930s and into the early days of the war.

RAF Albion AM463 ambulance late in the war.

RAF Albion AM463 tender, pre-war.

RAF Crossley Q 3-ton tender with wooden body.

RAF Crossley Q 3-ton tenders in Burma.

Three RAF Royal Enfield WD/J2 motorcycles being transported from the factory. Only six were made for the RAF.

RAF Dodge Kew 3-ton GS tender.

RAF Dodge Kew 30cwt tender.

RAF Dodge Kew 30cwt tender.

RAF Fordson Sussex barrage balloon truck.

RAF Austin K6 with expanding office body.

RAF Dodge Kew 3-ton on parade in London.

RAF torpedo carrier truck.

RAF vehicles undergoing maintenance.

RAF truck towing a trailer with a Chance light.

RAF crash tender.

The large roundel was the RAF's 2TAF air recognition marking. In that theatre of operations RAF vehicles rarely carried the Allied star.

RAF Ransome mounted crane on Leyland chassis.

Fordson tractor pulling long line of bomb trailers.

Ford Sussex GS.

RAF Fordson Sussex 6x4 searchlight carrier.

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