Showing posts with label 8th Division Cavalry Regiment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 8th Division Cavalry Regiment. Show all posts

Australian 9th Division Cavalry Regiment

Crusader tanks manned by the 9th Australian Divisional Cavalry Regiment after a reconnaissance in the desert west of El Alamein.

The 8th Division Cavalry Regiment was formed in July 1940 when it was raised around the nucleus of two squadrons from the 7th Division Cavalry Regiment. Based at Seymour, in Victoria, the regiment trained on Vickers light tanks and machinegun carriers but in February 1941 the unit was redesignated the 9th Division Cavalry Regiment. With the 8th Division being sent to Malaysia, Singapore, and the islands, its commander mistakenly thought that armor would only have limited use in the jungle. Consequently, the regiment was reassigned to the 9th Division.

Sailing for the Middle East in April the regiment arrived in Egypt and then moved to Palestine. Within 30 days of its arrival in Palestine the regiment was in action in Syria. In June, with the 6th Division Cavalry Regiment, it supported the 7th Division as part of the Allied invasion of Syria. The 9th Divisional Cavalry Regiment’s A and C Squadrons relieved the 6th Divisional Cavalry Regiment’s troops supporting the 21st Brigade south of Saida and the 25th Brigade in the Merdjayoun area. While in Syria, the regiment also used a number of captured French Renault R35 tanks in addition to its Vickers light tanks and machinegun carriers.

As the war in the North Africa continued and German armor became stronger, the regiment was equipped with Crusader cruiser tanks, Stuart light tanks, and machine-gun carriers. By July 1942 the situation had become critical for Allied forces as German and Italian troops had reached El Alamein, in Egypt. The 9th Division was consequently rushed to the Alamein “box” and held the northern sector for almost four months as the 8th Army was reinforced for a new offensive.

Two of the regiment’s squadrons provided protection for 9th Division headquarters, while in September the regiment supported the 2/15th Battalion’s raid during operation “Bulimba”. During the main Alamein offensive at the end of October the regiment was held in reserve and did not play a large role in the fighting. However, once the breakthrough was made on 3 November, the regiment’s crusaders led the coastal advance and reached El Daba the same day, before being withdrawn.

Alamein was a great, although bloody, success for the Allies and by 6 November enemy forces were retreating. But the 9th Division was needed elsewhere. In January 1943 the regiment left Egypt and boarded troopships for Australia. The unit reached Sydney at the end of February and, after a period of leave, regrouped with the rest of the division on the Atherton Tablelands, Queensland, in April.

During 1943 and 1944 divisional cavalry regiments were reorganized into cavalry (commando) regiments. In January 1944 the 9th Division Cavalry Regiment became the 2/9th Cavalry (Commando) Regiment. The regiment lost its vehicles and instead became the administrative headquarters for the 2/4th, 2/11th, and 2/12th Commando Squadrons. However, the regiment remained with the 9th Division for its final campaign on Tarakan and British north Borneo during 1945.

An Australian Bren Gun Carrier of the 9th Division Cavalry Regiment on maneuvers in Aleppo, Syria, throws up a shower of dust and stones as it makes a turn at high speed. November 1941.

Aleppo, Syria. November 1941. An Australian 5-ton tank of the 9th Division Cavalry Regiment climbing a sharp bank during maneuvers.

One of the 5-ton tanks of the 9th Division Cavalry Regiment throwing up a cloud of dust during maneuvers near Aleppo, Syria. November 1941.

Personnel of Wombat Squadron, 9th Division Cavalry Regiment in front of one of their armored vehicles. The squadron leader, Major Thomas Harold Newton, is in the center of the photo. November 1941.

Security Troop, 9th Division Cavalry Regiment on maneuvers in Aleppo, Syria. Each troop comprised three 5-ton tanks and three Bren Gun Carriers. On a straight run the tanks were capable of a speed up to 45 mph. November 1941.

Security Troop, 9th Division Cavalry Regiment on maneuvers in Aleppo, Syria. Each troop comprised three 5-ton tanks and three Bren Gun Carriers. On a straight run the tanks were capable of a speed up to 45 mph. November 1941.

Aleppo, Syria. November 1941. The crew of one of the tanks of the 9th Division Cavalry Regiment. The officer in charge is on the right.

This captured Vichy aircraft, a Glenn Martin Model 167 Maryland bomber, was used against Australian troops and is being guarded by men from the 9th Division Cavalry Regiment at Aleppo airfield, Syria. It was later taken over by the RAAF. The torpedo shaped objects are petrol tanks. November 1941.

This 5-ton tank of the 9th Division Cavalry Regiment found obstacles, such as an embankment, no great difficulties during maneuvers near Aleppo, Syria. November 1941.

Alexandria, Egypt. 11 July 1942. Crusader tanks of the 9th Australian Divisional Cavalry Regiment taking in water at the water-point at Amiriya (about 14 miles east of Alexandria), on their way to the Egyptian front.

Alexandria, Egypt. 11 July 1942. Crusader tanks of the 9th Australian Divisional Cavalry Regiment taking in water at the water-point, Amiriya on their way to the Egyptian front. Amiriya is about 14 miles east of Alexandria.

Alexandria, Egypt. 11 July 1942. Warrant-Officer II R.A. Dennett, cinematographer of Australian Military History and Information Section talking to Tank Sergeant-Major of 9th Australian Divisional Cavalry Regiment on top of a Crusader tank at Amiriya. The cavalry regiment is on its way to the Egyptian front at El Alamein.

Baalbeck, Syria. 23 August 1941. Crews of Bren Carriers and light tanks of 9th Australian Divisional Cavalry Regiment and their vehicles lined up ready for inspection by Major-General J.F. Evetts, CB, CBE, MC, General-Officer-Commanding 6th (British) Division.

Baalbeck, Syria. 23 August 1941. Crews of Bren Carriers and light tanks of 9th Australian Divisional Cavalry Regiment and their vehicles lined up ready for inspection by Major-General J.F. Evetts, CB, CBE, MC, General-Officer-Commanding 6th (British) Division.

Baalbeck, Syria. 23 August 1941. Crews of Bren Carriers and light tanks of 9th Australian Divisional Cavalry Regiment and their vehicles lined up ready for inspection by Major-General J.F. Evetts, CB, CBE, MC, General-Officer-Commanding 6th (British) Division.

Baalbeck, Syria. 23 August 1941. Crews of Bren Carriers and light tanks of 9th Australian Divisional Cavalry Regiment and their vehicles lined up ready for inspection by Major-General J.F. Evetts, CB, CBE, MC, General-Officer-Commanding 6th (British) Division.

Baalbeck, Syria. 23 August 1941. Major-General J.F. Evetts, CB, CBE, MC, General-Officer-Commanding 6th (British) Division, in peaked cap, during his inspection of the 9th Australian Divisional Cavalry Regiment.

Baalbeck, Syria. 23 August 1941. Major-General J.F. Evetts, CB, CBE, MC, General-Officer-Commanding 6th (British) Division, in peaked cap, chatting to one of the crew of a light tank during his inspection of the 9th Australian Divisional Cavalry Regiment.

Baalbeck, Syria. 23 August 1941. Major-General J.F. Evetts, CB, CBE, MC, General-Officer-Commanding 6th (British) Division inspecting crews of the armored vehicles of 9th Australian Divisional Cavalry Regiment during his inspection of the regiment. On his right is Lieutenant Colonel E.H Bastin, MC, Commanding Officer.

Baalbeck, Syria. 23 August 1941. Major-General J.F. Evetts, CB, CBE, MC, General-Officer-Commanding 6th (British) Division inspecting crews of the armored vehicles of 9th Australian Divisional Cavalry Regiment.

Baalbeck, Syria. 23 August 1941. Motor transport and drivers of the 9th Australian Divisional Cavalry Regiment lined up for inspection by Major-General J.F. Evetts, CB, CBE, MC, General-Officer-Commanding 6th (British) Division, to which the regiment is attached.

Baalbeck, Syria. 23 August 1941. The motor cyclists of 9th Australian Divisional Cavalry Regiment paraded (foreground) with the regiment, for inspection by Major-General J.F. Evetts, CB, CBE, MC, General-Officer-Commanding 6th (British) Division.

Colonel H.E. Bastin (O/C. 9th Aust. Division Cavalry) and Lieut. J.L.O. Ferguson.  October 1942.

Crusader tanks of the 9th Australian Divisional Cavalry Regiment returning to base after a reconnaissance in the desert west of El Alamein during the operations of 10 July 1942.

Gaza, Palestine. 22 December 1942. General view of the parade of the whole of the 9th Australian Division at Gaza airport for inspection by the Commander-in-Chief, Middle East Forces, General Sir Harold R.L.G. Alexander, KCB, CSI, DSO, MC. 9th Australian Divisional Cavalry Regiment is in the foreground.

Gaza, Palestine. 22 December 1942. General view of the parade of the whole of the 9th Australian Division at Gaza airport for inspection by the Commander-in-Chief, Middle East Forces, General Sir Harold R.L.G. Alexander, KCB, CSI, DSO, MC. 9th Australian Divisional Cavalry Regiment is in the foreground.

Gaza, Palestine. 22 December 1942. General view of the parade of the whole of the 9th Australian Division at Gaza airport for inspection by the Commander-in-Chief, Middle East Forces, General Sir Harold R.L.G. Alexander, KCB, CSI, DSO, MC. 9th Australian Divisional Cavalry Regiment is in the foreground.

Gaza, Palestine. 22 December 1942. General view of the parade of the whole of the 9th Australian Division at Gaza airport for inspection by the Commander-in-Chief, Middle East Forces, General Sir Harold R.L.G. Alexander, KCB, CSI, DSO, MC. 9th Australian Divisional Cavalry Regiment is in the foreground.

Gaza, Palestine. 22 December 1942. On this day General Sir Harold R.L.G. Alexander, KCB, CSI, DSO, MC, Commander-in-Chief, Middle East Forces, inspected a parade of the whole of the 9th Australian Division at Gaza airport and praised and thanked them for their part in the battle of El Alamein. personnel of 9th Australian Divisional Cavalry Regiment at the "present".

Gaza, Palestine. 22 December 1942. On this day General Sir Harold R.L.G. Alexander, KCB, CSI, DSO, MC, Commander-in-Chief, Middle East Forces, inspected a parade of the whole of the 9th Australian Division at Gaza airport and praised and thanked them for their part in the battle of El Alamein. the 9th Australian Divisional Cavalry Regiment marches past.

Gaza, Palestine. 22 December 1942. View from a tower near the saluting base of the march past of the whole of the 9th Australian Division paraded for inspection by the Commander-in-Chief, Middle East Forces, General Sir Harold R.L.G. Alexander, KCB, CSI, DSO, MC. 9th Australian Divisional Cavalry Regiment passing the saluting base.

Homs, Syria. 18 June 1942. A tank of the 9th Australian Divisional Cavalry Regiment moving to intercept and investigate a small convoy of unidentified transport approaching the desert "box" formation of the 24th Australian Infantry Brigade Group during maneuvers in Syria. The tank commander is signaling for his other tanks to make an encircling move.

Homs, Syria. 18 June 1942. Mark VI tanks of the 9th Australian Division Cavalry Regiment scouting in front of the 24th Australian Infantry Brigade Group "box" formation on the move during the maneuvers in Syria and Lebanon.

Homs, Syria. 18 June 1942. Trooper J.P. Thomas (foreground) and Lieutenant J. Legoe, crew of a Mark VI tank of No. 7 Troop, 9th Australian Divisional Cavalry Regiment on maneuvers carried out by the 9th Australian Division in Syria and Lebanon.

Lt. Colonel Bastin, O/C 9th Divisional Cavalry at present serving in the Middle East.

Melbourne, Australia. 31 March 1943. Close-up of members of the 9th Australian Divisional Cavalry Regiment taking part in the march of the 9th Australian Division through the city of Melbourne following their return from the Middle East.

Melbourne, Australia. 31 March 1943. Close-up of members of the 9th Australian Divisional Cavalry Regiment taking part in the march of the 9th Australian Division through the city of Melbourne following their return from the Middle East.

Melbourne, Australia. 31 March 1943. Major-General Sir Winston Dugan, KCMG, CB, DSO, Governor of Victoria, takes the salute of the 9th Australian Divisional Cavalry Regiment, as it passes the town hall in the march of the 9th Division through the city following its recent return from the Middle East.

Melbourne, Australia. 31 March 1943. Members of the 9th Australian Divisional Cavalry Regiment taking part in the march through the city of Melbourne of the 9th Australian Division following their recent return from the Middle East.

Melbourne, Australia. 31 March 1943. Members of the 9th Australian Divisional Cavalry Regiment swing into Bourke Street as they take part in the march of the 9th Australian Division through the city of Melbourne.

Melbourne, Australia. 31 March 1943. Members of the 9th Australian Divisional Cavalry Regiment swing into Bourke Street as they take part in the march of the 9th Australian Division through the city of Melbourne.

Melbourne, Australia. 31 March 1943. The 9th Australian Divisional Cavalry Regiment passing the saluting base at the town hall during the march through the city of the 9th Division which has recently returned from the Middle East where it has achieved many victories.

Melbourne, Australia. 31 March 1943. The 9th Australian Divisional Cavalry Regiment passing the saluting base at the town hall during the march through the city of the 9th Division which has recently returned from the Middle East where it has achieved many victories.

Melbourne, Victoria. 31 March 1943. Members of 9th Australian Divisional Cavalry Regiment are assisted to refreshments by a youthful admirer at the assembly point prior to the march of the 9th Australian Division through the city of Melbourne.

Members of the 9th Division Cavalry Regiment and English soldiers survey a crashed Luftwaffe Messerschmitt Bf 109.

One of the Vickers Mark VI light 5-ton tanks of the 9th Division Cavalry Regiment throwing up a cloud of dust during maneuvers.

Palestine. 12 January 1942. General Sir Thomas Blamey inspecting men of the 9th Australian Division Cavalry.

Palestine. 12 January 1942. Men of the 9th Australian Division Cavalry on parade.

Sydney, Australia. 2 April 1943. Scene at the corner of Park and George Streets during the march of the 9th Australian Division through the city. In the foreground is the 9th Australian Divisional Cavalry Regiment approaching the saluting base on the town hall steps.

Sydney embarkation. at Harbourside Station. (Reinforcement to 6th Division Cavalry and 9th Division Cavalry.

Syria. Australian cavalrymen from B Squadron 9th Division Cavalry Regiment eat an early breakfast before pushing deep into the mountains to contact village chiefs and establish friendly relations. June 1941.

They find a big difference in the conditions of Syria to those of the Western Desert. Men of the 9th Australian Divisional Cavalry Regiment use their weight to extricate a Bren Carrier which became bogged after heavy rain. November 1941.

Two members of the 9th Division Cavalry Regiment survey the wreck of a German Ju 87B Stuka dive bomber.

Western Desert, Egypt. 7 August 1942. Bombs bursting along the ridge near Headquarters, 9th Australian Divisional Cavalry Regiment, at El Alamein.

Western Desert, Egypt. 8 August 1942. Command tank, 9th Australian Divisional Cavalry Regiment, with hull down, waiting behind a sandy ridge.

Western Desert, Egypt. 8 August 1942. Command vehicle of 9th Australian Divisional Cavalry Regiment sending and receiving messages.

Western Desert, Egypt. 8 August 1942. Lieutenant Colonel H.E. Bastin, Commanding Officer of 9th Australian Divisional Cavalry Regiment, and Lieutenant J.L.D. Ferguson, Adjutant, in front of Regimental Headquarters on flat ground fronting the German positions at El Alamein.

Western Desert, Egypt. 8 August 1942. Pot shots from the ground. There is an aerial dog fight overhead and these men of the 9th Australian Divisional Cavalry Regiment are interested spectators. The gunner on top of the M3 Stuart tank, unable to resist, joins in with his Browning M1919A4 machine gun.

Western Desert, Egypt. 8 August 1942. Repair work being carried out on a Bren Gun Carrier of the 9th Australian Divisional Cavalry Regiment.

Western Desert, Egypt. 8 August 1942. Repair work being carried out on a Bren Gun Carrier of the 9th Australian Divisional Cavalry Regiment.

Western Desert, Egypt. 8 August 1942. Repair work on a M3 Stuart tank of 9th Australian Divisional Cavalry Regiment just behind the reconnaissance lines.

Western Desert, Egypt. 8 August 1942. Trooper W.L. Parrington of 9th Australian Divisional Cavalry Regiment trains his Bren Gun sights on an aerial "dog-fight" and waits hopefully for an enemy plane to come within range.

Western Desert, Egypt. 12 October 1942. Trooper W.W. Masterton, 9th Australian Divisional Cavalry Regiment, receives the ribbon of the Military Medal from Lieutenant-General Sir Leslie Morshead, General-Officer-Commanding A.I.F. (M.E.).