Showing posts with label Ardennes-Alsace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ardennes-Alsace. Show all posts

87th Infantry Division (United States)

Soldiers of the 347th Infantry Regiment, 87th Infantry Division line up for inspection during the Second Army Tennessee Maneuvers.

The 87th Infantry Division ("Golden Acorn") was a unit of the United States Army in World War I and World War II. After World War II, the 87th Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop became the 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team, which made the only combat jump in Vietnam and in Iraq. As of 22 September 2021, the rest of the division now exists as a training formation as part of the 84th Training Command.

World War I

The 87th Division was a National Army division, made up of draftees from Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi. It was activated at Camp Pike, Arkansas on 25 August 1917. Like many units, the 87th Division was used to furnish personnel for other units scheduled for earlier overseas departure. Before November 1917, most of the enlisted men were transferred to other units (2,400 to the 81st Division, 3,000 to the 31st Division, and 8,000 to the 39th Division). The division was reconstituted from draftees drawn from the Midwest. Between January and June 1918, 40,000 men arrived at Camp Pike, but 30,000 left. The 87th Division lost more than 20,000 men, and numbered 15,000 men in June 1918. It was again reconstituted, with draftees mostly from New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. It went overseas in September 1918, but was utilized as a pool of laborers by the Services of Supply, American Expeditionary Forces. It returned to the United States in January 1919 to Camp Dix, New Jersey, and was demobilized in February 1919.

MG Samuel D. Sturgis (25 August 1917).

BG Robert Campbell Van Vliet (13 November 1917).

MG Samuel D. Sturgis.

COL John O'Shea (6 October 1918).

MG Samuel D. Sturgis (23 October 1918).

BG W. F. Martin (22 November 1918).

Order of Battle

Headquarters, 87th Division

173rd Infantry Brigade

345th Infantry Regiment

346th Infantry Regiment

335th Machine Gun Battalion

174th Infantry Brigade

347th Infantry Regiment

348th Infantry Regiment

336th Machine Gun Battalion

162nd Field Artillery Brigade

334th Field Artillery Regiment (75 mm)

335th Field Artillery Regiment (75 mm)

336th Field Artillery Regiment (155 mm)

312th Trench Mortar Battery

334th Machine Gun Battalion

312th Engineer Regiment

312th Medical Regiment

312th Field Signal Battalion

Headquarters Troop, 87th Division

312th Train Headquarters and Military Police

312th Ammunition Train

312th Supply Train

312th Engineer Train

312th Sanitary Train

345th, 346th, 347th, and 348th Ambulance Companies and Field Hospitals

Interwar Period

The 87th Division was reconstituted in the Organized Reserve on 24 June 1921, allotted to the Fourth Corps Area, and assigned to the XIV Corps. The division was further allotted to the states of Louisiana, Alabama, and Mississippi. The division headquarters was organized on 23 September 1921 at Jackson, Mississippi. The headquarters was subsequently relocated on 14 October 1921 to the New Orleans International Depot in New Orleans, Louisiana, and once again relocated in April 1922 to Poland and Dauphine Streets in New Orleans, where it remained until activated for World War II. To maintain communications with the officers of the division, the chief of staff published a division newsletter named “The Acorn” in keeping with division’s nickname and the military, geographical, and historical background of the regions from which it drew its personnel. The newsletter informed the division’s members of such things as when and where the inactive training sessions were to be held, what the division’s summer training quotas were, where the camps were to be held, and which units would be assigned to help conduct the Citizens Military Training Camps (CMTC).

The designated mobilization and training station for the division was Camp McClellan, Alabama, the location where much of the 87th Division’s training activities occurred in the interwar years. The division headquarters was called to duty for training there as a unit on a number of occasions. The headquarters and special staff usually trained with their counterparts on the staff of the 8th Infantry Brigade, 4th Division, either at Camp McClellan or at Fort McPherson, Georgia. The infantry regiments of the division held their summer training primarily with the 4th Division's 8th or 22nd Infantry Regiments, either at Camp McClellan or at one of the Regular Army regiments' home stations. Other units, such as the special troops, artillery, engineers, aviation, medical, and quartermaster, trained at various posts in the Fourth Corps Area, usually with the active units of the 4th Division. For example, the division’s artillery trained with units of the 2nd Battalion, 16th Field Artillery at Fort Bragg, North Carolina; the 312th Engineer Regiment trained at Fort Benning, Georgia, with the 4th and 7th Engineer Regiments; the 312th Medical Regiment trained at Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia; and the 312th Observation Squadron trained with the 22nd Observation Squadron at Maxwell Field, Alabama.

In addition to the unit training camps, the infantry regiments of the division rotated responsibility to conduct the CMTC held at Camp McClellan and Fort McPherson each year. On a number of occasions, the division participated in Fourth Corps Area and Third Army command post exercises in conjunction with other Regular Army, National Guard, and Organized Reserve units. Unlike the Regular and Guard units in the Fourth Corps Area, the 87th Division did not participate in the various Fourth Corps Area maneuvers and the Third Army maneuvers of 1938, 1940, and 1941 as an organized unit due to lack of enlisted personnel and equipment. Instead, the officers and a few enlisted reservists were assigned to Regular and Guard units to fill vacant slots and bring the units up to war strength for the exercises. Additionally, some officers were assigned duties as umpires or support personnel. For the 1938 Third Army maneuvers, for example, about 200 of the division’s officers were attached to the National Guard's 31st Division (troops from Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, and Mississippi) to allow that unit to function as an almost full-strength division.

World War II

Before Organized Reserve infantry divisions were ordered into active military service, they were reorganized on paper as "triangular" divisions under the 1940 tables of organization. The headquarters companies of the two infantry brigades were consolidated into the division's cavalry reconnaissance troop, and one infantry regiment was removed by inactivation. The field artillery brigade headquarters and headquarters battery became the headquarters and headquarters battery of the division artillery, and its three field artillery regiments were reorganized into four battalions. The engineer, medical, and quartermaster regiments were reorganized into battalions. In 1942, divisional quartermaster battalions were split into ordnance light maintenance companies and quartermaster companies, and the division's headquarters and military police company, which had previously been a combined unit, was split.

The 87th Infantry Division was ordered into active military service on 15 December 1942 at Camp McCain, Mississippi. It was nicknamed the "Baby Division" because many of its initial filler soldiers were among the first eighteen year olds conscripted after the lower limit of the draft age was reduced from twenty to eighteen years old in November 1942. It moved to the Tennessee Maneuver Area on 3 December 1943, for the Second Army #4 Tennessee Maneuvers, and consolidated at Fort Jackson, South Carolina on 20 January 1944 for divisional training. The division staged at Camp Kilmer, at Stelton (now Edison), New Jersey, on 10 October 1944 until it received its port call to the New York Port of Embarkation in Brooklyn, New York.

It sailed to the European Theater on 17 October 1944, arrived in England on 12 November 1944, and staged for movement to France. It was assigned to the Third Army on 25 November 1944, and arrived at Le Havre, France, on 28 November 1944. The 87th was further assigned to the III Corps on 4 December 1944, and to the XII Corps on 11 December 1944, to the XV Corps on 21 December 1944, and to the VIII Corps on 29 December 1944. Crossed into Belgium on 12 January 1945, and returned to XII Corps on 14 January 1945. Crossed into Luxembourg on 21 January 1945, and assigned to VIII Corps on 25 January 1945. Because of discontinuity in the German railroad system, the 87th was routed to Germany by returning to Belgium on 3 February 1945. Entered Germany 16 March 1945, and remained to Victory in Europe Day. Returned to the United States at the New York Port of Embarkation on 11 July 1945, and proceeded to Fort Benning, Georgia, on 14 July 1945 to prepare for deployment to Japan; it was at Fort Benning on VJ Day. The 87th Infantry Division was inactivated on 21 September 1945, at Fort Benning.

Campaigns: Rhineland, Ardennes-Alsace, Central Europe

Days of combat: 154

Distinguished Unit Citation: 2


Medal of Honor: 1

Distinguished Service Cross: 9

Army Distinguished Service Medal: 1

Silver Star: 364

Legion of Merit: 20

Soldier's Medal: 41

Bronze Star: 1,542

Air Medal: 49


MG Percy W. Clarkson (December 1942 – October 1943)

MG Eugene M. Landrum (October 1943 – April 1944)

MG Frank L. Culin Jr. (April 1944 to inactivation)

Returned to U.S.: 11 July 1945

Inactivated: 20 September 1945

Combat Chronicle

The 87th Infantry Division arrived in Scotland, 22 October 1944, and trained in England, 23 October-30 November. It landed in France, 1–3 December, and moved to Metz, where, on 8 December, it went into action against and took Fort Driant. The division then shifted to the vicinity of Gros-Réderching near the Saar-German border on 10 December and captured Rimling, Obergailbach, and Guiderkirch.

The 87th was moving into Germany when, on 16 December 1944, German Field Marshal Von Rundstedt launched his offensive in the Ardennes forest (Battle of the Bulge). The Division was placed in SHAEF (Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force) reserve, 24–28 December, then thrown into the Bulge battle in Belgium, 29 December. In a fluctuating battle, it captured Moircy on 30 December and Remagne on 31 December. On 2 January 1945, it took Gérimont, on 10 January Tillet, and reached the Ourthe by 13 January. On 15 January 1945, the division moved to Luxembourg to relieve the 4th Infantry Division along the Sauer and seized Wasserbillig on 23 January. The 87th moved to the vicinity of St. Vith, 28 January, and attacked and captured Schlierbach, Selz, and Hogden by the end of the month. After the fall of Neuendorf, 9 February, the division went on the defensive until 26 February, when Ormont and Hallschlag were taken in night attacks. The 87th crossed the Kyll River, 6 March, took Dollendorf on 8 March, and after a brief rest, returned to combat, 13 March 1945, crossing the Moselle on 16th and clearing Koblenz, 18–19 March. The division crossed the Rhine, 25–26 March, despite strong opposition, consolidated its bridgehead, and secured Grossenlinden and Langgöns. On 7 April, it jumped off in an attack which carried it through Thuringia into Saxony. Plauen fell, 17 April, and the division took up defensive positions, 20 April, about 4 miles from the border to Czechoslovakia. On 6 May 1945, it took Falkenstein and maintained its positions until Victory in Europe Day.

The 87th Division returned to the States in July 1945 expecting to be called upon to play a role in the defeat of the Imperial Japanese, but the sudden termination of the war in the Pacific while the division was reassembling at Fort Benning changed the future of the 87th. The division was inactivated 21 September 1945.

The last active soldier from the division that served in World War II retired in June 1981. Colonel Vedder B. Driscoll (1925–1983), who had enlisted in 1943 and was a platoon sergeant for Company I, 345th Infantry, achieved thirty years of commissioned service.


Total battle casualties: 6,034

Killed in action: 1,154

Wounded in action: 4,342

Missing in action: 109

Prisoner of war: 429

Assignments in European Theater of Operations

25 November 1944: Third Army, 12th Army Group.

4 December 1944: III Corps.

11 December 1944: XII Corps.

21 December 1944: XV Corps, Seventh Army, 6th Army Group.

29 December 1944: VIII Corps, Third Army, 12th Army Group.

14 January 1945: XII Corps.

25 January 1945: VIII Corps.

22 April 1945: VIII Corps, First Army, 12th Army Group.

Order of Battle

Headquarters, 87th Infantry Division

345th Infantry Regiment

346th Infantry Regiment

347th Infantry Regiment

Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 87th Infantry Division Artillery

334th Field Artillery Battalion (105 mm)

335th Field Artillery Battalion (155 mm)

336th Field Artillery Battalion (105 mm)

912th Field Artillery Battalion (105 mm)

312th Engineer Combat Battalion

312th Medical Battalion

87th Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop (Mechanized)

Headquarters, Special Troops, 87th Infantry Division

Headquarters Company, 87th Infantry Division

787th Ordnance Light Maintenance Company

87th Quartermaster Company

87th Signal Company

Military Police Platoon


87th Counterintelligence Corps Detachment

Country: United States

Branch: United States Army

Type: Training

Size: Division

Nickname: "Golden Acorn" (special designation)

Motto: Stalwart and Strong


World War I

World War II



Central Europe

Shoulder sleeve insignia of the 87th Infantry Division (Golden Acorn).

Distinctive Unit Insignia

A gold color metal and enamel device 1 1/8 inches (2.86cm) in height overall, consisting of a gold acorn at the top and three green oak leaves in base within the upper and lower angles of a saltire formed by two blue spears with points up and each simulating a fleur-de-lis and the staffs grasped by two gold demi-lions rampant facing center, all above and issuing from a blue curved scroll inscribed "READY TO SERVE" in gold letters.

Symbolism: The gold acorn alludes to the 87th Infantry Division’s nickname "Golden Acorn Division" and the Division’s shoulder sleeve insignia. The color blue signifies the historic Infantry service. The two lions, each bearing a spear terminating in a fleur-de-lis, commemorate that unit’s participation in the European Theater of Operations, World War I and World War II. The three oak leaves refer to the three World War II campaigns in which the Division participated.

Background: The distinctive unit insignia was originally approved for the 87th Maneuver Area Command on 28 Sep 1971. It was redesignated with the description and symbolism revised for the 87th Division (Exercise) on 1 Oct 1993. The distinctive unit insignia was redesignated for the 87th Division (Training Support) effective 1 Oct 1999.

On the lookout for German snipers, a squad of Third Army Infantrymen move cautiously through the streets of Moircy, Belgium, Co. C, 1st Bn., 345th Regiment, 87th Infantry Division, December 31, 1944. (U.S. National Archives 111-SC-199300)

GI of the 87th Division with field glasses and carbine observing from a destroyed building, Moircy, Belgium, December 31, 1944.

M4 medium tank at Kobschied. Left to right: Pfc Robert L. Hopes, Sergeant William C. Young, Pfc Eugene J. Ute, Co. K, 345th Infantry Regiment, 87th Division. 

American infantryman of the 87th Division enter the town of St. Hubert, Belgium, right after the Germans fled the town, 1945. (U.S. National Archives 111-SC-199207)

Belgian girl points to German signs as she shows GIs of the 87th Division in a jeep the direction in which the enemy has retreated from this town.

Private John Mincek and Pvt Luther Jack of Company H, 346th Infantry Regiment, 87th Division in position with their .30 cal. water-cooled machine gun near a command post in the woods to the east of St. Hubert, January 1, 1945.

Chow is served to American infantrymen of the 347th Infantry Regiment on their way to La Roche, Belgium, 13 January 1945. (U.S. National Archives photo 111-SC-198849)

Men from the 5th Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders, 51st Highland Division, wearing snow suits, inspect the weapons of two GIs from the American 87th Division during the link-up of the two Allied armies at Champlin in Belgium, January 14, 1945. (Imperial War Museum B 13691)

Vehicles of the U.S. 87th Infantry Division in the woods near Wallerode/St. Vith, Belgium, on 30 January 1945. (U.S. National Archives photo 111-SC-199639)

Lt.Gen. George S. Patton Jr., Commanding General of the Third Army visits Headquarters of the 87th Division, January 30, 1945.

Anti-tank squad of the 345th Regiment, 87th Division, setup in a crèche in Schonberg, Belgium, 4 February 1945.

Engineers of the 991st Engineer Co., 87th Division, Third U.S. Army, prepare to clear debris from a blown-up bridge so vehicles may pass through to be ferried across the Moselle River, March 16, 1945. (Signal Corps Archive)

Engineers of the 87th Infantry Division, United States Army, ferry a M4 medium tank across the Moselle, March 1945.

Sign indicating the Siegfried Line by the 345th Combat Team of the 87th Division. Lieutenant Ben Silver at left.

87th Division troops near Koblenz, Germany, March 1945.

87th Division soldier views the terrain near Koblenz, Germany, March 1945.

American troops of the 87th Division on the outskirts of Koblenz, Germany, March 1945.

American troops pass by the body of a fallen comrade, Koblenz, Germany, March 1945.

GIs of the 87th Division supporting an M4 medium tank in Koblenz, Germany, March 1945.

Riflemen of the 87th Division supporting an M4 medium tank in Koblenz, Germany, March 1945.

Riflemen of the 87th Division in  Koblenz, March 1945.

A machine gun team with a .30-cal. water-cooled machine gun of the 87th Division in action in Koblenz, Germany, March 1945.

Another view of the same GI of the 87th Division operating the .30-cal. water-cooled Browning machine gun as in the previous photo, Koblenz, Germany, March 1945.

Another view of the same GI of the 87th Division operating the .30-cal. water-cooled Browning machine gun as in the previous photo, Koblenz, Germany, March 1945.

A rifleman of the 87th Division in action in Koblenz, Germany, March 1945.

A rifleman of the 87th Division in Koblenz, Germany, March 1945.

German soldiers with a white flag surrender on behalf of their unit to the 87th Division in Koblenz, Germany, March 1945.

German prisoners carrying a wounded comrade, guarded by two soldiers of the 87th Division, Koblenz, Germany, March 10, 1945.

GIs of the 87th Division in Koblenz, Germany, March 1945.

German prisoners under guard under a bridge in Koblenz, March 1945.

Two German snipers surrender to a GI of the 87th Infantry Division near Koblenz, March 26, 1945.

German prisoners are marched out of Koblenz by members of the 87th Division, March 1945.

American soldier of the 87th Division in Koblenz, Germany, March 1945.

Koblenz, Germany in American hands courtesy of the Golden Acorn Division, March 1945.

The 87th Division crossed the Rhine on March 26, 1945.

Anti-aircraft gunners of the 87th Division shot down this Bf 109.

Brigadier General William W. Ford, Commanded the 87th Division Artillery, from March 13, 1944 until inactivation. First officer to earn and only general to wear the artillery liaison pilot’s wings. Introduced the invaluable “Cub” plane for artillery observation, hence the “Grasshopper” on the jeep’s windshield frame. Graduate of West Point, class of 1920, and the Command and General Staff School. Shown in Bessenheim, Germany, 1945.

Two GIs view the city of Koblenz in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany from the Ehrenbreitstein Fortress, April 26, 1945.

Part of the 87th "Golden Acorn" Inf. Division arrives at Camp Oklahoma City for redeployment, Assembly Area Command, Reims, France, January 1, 1945. (U.S. National Archives)

Pfc. James C. Brown of Tulsa, Oklahoma, enjoys his first American beer and pretzels at Camp Oklahoma City, one of the camps set up for redeploying the American Army to the U.S. and the South Pacific. (Signal Corps Archive)

This vintage map charts the journey of the 87th Infantry Division throughout World War II.