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Did You Know… Pearl Harbor Attack

The Portland, Oregon, newspaper The Oregonian is generally credited with the first use of the phrase, “Remember Pearl Harbor,” in its 9 December 1941 afternoon edition. The phrase would later be used in countless books, pennants, posters, buttons, music and other wartime propaganda.

The “Doom and Gloom Boys” were pre-Pearl Harbor cartoon characters created by artist Daniel Bishop for the St. Louis Star Times newspaper to poke fun at anti-Roosevelt factions. Prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Boys were often shown criticizing Roosevelt as a war monger for his national military build-up plans. After the attack on Pearl Harbor the “Doom and Gloom Boys” took Roosevelt to task as a President who was now to blame for not having America ready for war.

Roosevelt’s secretary later wrote that the President, as news of the attack became fully known, “… maintained greater outward calm than anybody else, but there was a rage in his very calmness.”

“This dispatch is top secret. This order is effective at 1730 on 2 December: Combined Fleet Serial #10. Climb Niitakayama 1208, repeat 1208!” Interpreted freely, and often abbreviated as “Climb Mount Niitaka,” means “attack on 8 December.” This was undoubtedly the prearranged signal for specifying the date for opening hostilities. However, the significance of the phrase is interesting in that it is used so appropriately in this connection. Niitakayama is the highest mountain in the Japanese Empire. To climb Niitakayama is to accomplish one of the greatest feats. In other words undertake the task (of carrying out assigned operations). 1208 signifies the 12th month, 8th day, Itex time.

The flag that flew over the U.S. Capitol building in Washington, D.C., on 7 December 1941, was also flown aboard the U.S.S. Missouri during the surrender ceremonies in Tokyo Bay on 2 September 1945.

In Washington, then White House Assistant James Rowe recalled that President Roosevelt was “cross as hell” because so many aides were out of town when Pearl Harbor was attacked.

Attorney General Frances Biddle remembers that the President was in a mood of stunned silence and FDR’s son, James, at the time a 33-year-old Marine captain, reports that his father was “sitting in a corner with no expression on his face, very calm and quiet. He had out his stamp collection he loved so much and was thumbing over some of the stamps when I came in.

“‘It’s bad, it’s pretty bad,’ he said, without looking up.”

On 3 December 1941, U.S. Adm. Charles McMorris said, “Pearl Harbor will never be attacked from the air.”

The very existence of Japan’s two-man submarines was one of the best-kept secrets of pre-World War II. Before the fleet left Japan to attack Pearl Harbor, even very few Japanese Navy officers were aware of this very important secret weapon.

Senate Joint Resolution 116, Declaring War Against Japan, 12/8/1941, Records of the U.S. Senate, Record Group 46.

U.S. Congress Joint Resolution signed by President Roosevelt on December 8, 1941 at 4:10 p.m., Public Law 77-328, 55 STAT 795, which declared war on Japan.

Admiral Husband Kimmel.

Admiral Kimmel made the cover of Time magazine on 15 December 1941. Admiral Yamamoto made the cover a week later on 22 December.

Soldiers leaving the pier to board trucks for Schofield Barracks, Honolulu. They are part of the build-up of men and equipment that began after the attack.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt signing the U.S. declaration of war in the White House on 8 December 1941.

Tai Sing Loo, the Navy Yard’s well-known photographer, pitched in to fight fires, serve food, and later wrote up his recollections of the battle in How Happen I Were at Pearl Harbor. He is pictured here many years after the attack with his famous trademark helmet, which he had forgotten that day, and was thus afraid he might be shot as a Japanese spy.

A crowd on Broadway in New York City hold up newspapers announcing the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, during World War II.

“Remember Dec. 7th!” poster by Allan R. Saalburg (Rusell) 1899-1974. Office for Emergency Management. Office of War Information. Domestic Operations Branch. Bureau of Special Services. (03/09/1943 - 09/15/1945)

“Avenge December 7” poster by Bernard Perlin.

Advancement of Rear Admiral Kimmel and Major General Short: Memorandum for the Deputy Secretary of Defense

by Senator Edwin Dorn

Published in 1995

Under Secretary of Defense

4000 Defense Pentagon

Washington, D.C. 20301-4000

[Stamped: 15 December 1995]

This review was undertaken in response to a commitment that former Deputy Secretary Deutch made to Senator Thurmond in April l995. You assigned me to conduct it. In essence, you asked me to advise you whether actions taken toward General Short and Admiral Kimmel some fifty years ago were excessively harsh, and if so, whether posthumous advancement to three- and four-star rank is the appropriate remedy.

These issues are immediate and highly emotional to the descendants of Admiral Kimmel and General Short. Family members feel that the Pearl Harbor commanders were scapegoats for a disaster that they could neither prevent nor mitigate, and that others who were blameworthy escaped both official censure and public humiliation. They argue that advancement (or, as they put it, restoration to highest rank held) is the best way to remove the stigma and obloquy.

[On 7 December 1941 Admiral Husband E. Kimmel was Commander in Chief, United States Fleet and Commander in Chief, United States Pacific Fleet—the Navy’s second-highest officer after the Chief of Naval Operations. Lieutenant General Walter C. Short was Commander of the Army’s Hawaiian Department.]

More is at stake here than the reputations of two officers and the feelings of their families. The principle of equity requires that wrongs be set right. In addition, we owe it to posterity to ensure that our history is told correctly.

With support from a small team of Department of Defense civilians and military officers, I studied the performance of the two commanders, the procedures that led to their relief and retirement and the reports of the several Pearl Harbor investigations. I also tried to understand the basis for the families’ claim that General Short and Admiral Kimmel were unfairly denied restoration to three-star and four-star rank when that action became legally possible in 1947. The team reviewed thousands of pages of documents, read a number of secondary sources, visited Pearl Harbor and interviewed members of the families.

My findings are:

Responsibility for the Pearl Harbor disaster should not fall solely on the shoulders of Admiral Kimmel and General Short; it should be broadly shared.

The United States and Japan were pursuing policies that were leading inexorably to war. Japan had occupied Manchuria, was threatening much of Asia and had joined in a tripartite alliance with Italy and Germany. The U.S. reaction was to stop selling Japan strategically important materials including oil (Japan bought most of its oil from the U.S.) and, in the summer of 1941, to freeze Japanese assets in the U.S. Negotiations in the summer and fall of 194l failed to break the impasse. By late November 1941, civilian and military leaders in the U.S. had concluded that conflict was imminent; the only questions were when and where it would occur.

Admiral Kimmel and General Short were both sent “war warning” messages on November 27. They were advised that negotiations were stalemated and that Japan might take hostile action at any moment. Admiral Kimmel was ordered to execute a “defensive deployment” consistent with the U.S. war plan in the Pacific; General Short was ordered to undertake “reconnaissance and other measures…”, but his instructions were muddied somewhat by advice to avoid actions that would “alarm [Hawaii’s] civil population or disclose intent.”

Admiral Kimmel and General Short discussed the November 27 war warning, but concluded that an attack would occur in the Western Pacific, not in Hawaii. Indeed, the November 27 messages had mentioned the likelihood that the attack would occur in “the Philippines, Thai or Kra Peninsula or … Borneo.” Washington also did not expect Hawaii to be attacked. Further, it appears that Admiral Kimmel and General Short were depending on timely tactical warning from Washington, should Hawaii become a target. Military leaders in Washington, on the other hand, appear to have felt that the November 27 war warning would lead Admiral Kimmel and General Short to heighten their vigilance, and failed to examine closely what they actually were doing.

Officials in Washington did not send Admiral Kimmel and General Short other information, derived from the Magic project that broke the Japanese code, that might have given them a greater sense of urgency and caused them to surmise that Hawaii was a likely target. For example, Washington did not tell them that Japanese agents in Hawaii had been instructed to report on the precise location of ships at Pearl Harbor. (The Japanese attacked Hawaii, the Philippines and several other targets on the same day.)

Information-sharing and operational cooperation were hampered by bureaucratic rivalries. The Army and Navy were separate executive departments reporting directly to the President, and only the President could ensure that they were working together. Admiral Kimmel and General Short had cordial personal relations, but felt it inappropriate to inquire into one another’s professional domains. This apparently was the standard at the time. General Short’s mission was to defend the fleet in Hawaii; Admiral Kimmel apparently never asked in detail about General Short’s plans. Admiral Kimmel’s mission was to prepare for offensive operations against Japan. Early in 1941 the Navy also had assumed from the Army responsibility for conducting long-range aerial reconnaissance. Even after receiving the war warning, General Short apparently did not ask Admiral Kimmel whether the Navy actually was conducting long-range air patrols. Nevertheless, General Short assumed that he would receive the advance warning needed to launch Army Air Corps fighters, which were on four-hour alert, and to ready his antiaircraft guns, whose ammunition was stored some distance from the batteries. Just as Washington did not provide the Hawaii commanders with all the intelligence that was derived from Magic, so it also appears that Admiral Kimmel had more intelligence than he chose to share with General Short. For example, Admiral Kimmel learned on December 2 that several Japanese carriers were “lost” to U.S. intelligence; their radio signals had not been detected for more than two weeks. He did not tell General Short.

The run-up to Pearl Harbor was fraught with miscommunication, oversights and lack of follow-up. In his 27 November war warning message, Army Chief of Staff Marshall directed General Short to “undertake such reconnaissance ant other measures as you deem necessary…” General Short assumed this order was mis-worded, because he believed General Marshall knew that the Navy had taken over the reconnaissance responsibility from the Army. He also assumed that the Navy was doing it. General Short’s response to General Marshall described plans to defend against sabotage, but said nothing about reconnaissance. Apparently, no one in the War Department took note of the omission. The 27 November war warning from Admiral Stark, the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO), instructed Admiral Kimmel to undertake a “defensive deployment preparatory to carrying out the tasks assigned in WPL 46; [the war plan].” Exactly what Admiral Stark intended is not clear. Admiral Kimmel interpreted the CNO’s guidance to mean that he (Admiral Kimmel) should continue what he had been doing for several weeks—sending submarines and planes to patrol around Wake and Midway, and patrolling outside Pearl Harbor for Japanese submarines. Carrier task forces en route to Wake and Midway were doing aerial reconnaissance as part of their normal training, thus covering a portion of the Pacific west and southwest of Hawaii. “Deployment” also could have meant to sortie the fleet from Pearl Harbor. Admiral Kimmel did not do that. Instead, he kept his ships in port, but pointed their bows toward the entrance so that they could leave quickly if the need arose. Moving several dozen warships through Pearl Harbor’s narrow channel and into fighting posture on the high seas would have taken several hours. No one in the Department of Navy took issue with Admiral Kimmel’s interpretation of the CNO’s instructions.

Resources were scarce. Washington didn’t have enough cryptologists and linguists to decode all the Japanese message traffic, so the analysts gave priority to diplomatic traffic over military traffic. The Navy in Hawaii was short of planes and crews. The Army in Hawaii was short of munitions.

Finally, the Japanese attack was brilliantly conceived and flawlessly executed. It involved a bold new use of carriers. It required crossing four thousand miles of ocean undetected, which meant taking the storm-tossed northern route where there was little commercial shipping. It required new technology—torpedoes that could be used in the shallow, narrow confines of Pearl Harbor. And the attack required extraordinarily well trained air crews with commanders capable of coordinating more than 150 planes in each wave of attack. U.S. Naval exercises during the 1930s and the British Navy’s 1940 raid on the Italian fleet at Taranto had demonstrated the feasibility of carrier-based attacks. But the scale and complexity of the Japanese attack greatly exceeded anything envisioned before. American military experts underestimated Japanese capability.

To say that responsibility is broadly shared is not to absolve Admiral Kimmel and General Short of accountability.

Military command is unique. A commander has plenary responsibility for the welfare of the people under his or her command, and is directly accountable for everything the unit does or fails to do. When a ship runs aground, the captain is accountable whether or not he/she was on the bridge at the time. When a unit is attacked, it is the Commander and not the intelligence officer or the sentry who is accountable. Command at the three- and four-star level involves daunting responsibilities. Military officers at that level operate with a great deal of independence. They must have extraordinary skill, foresight and judgment, and a willingness to be accountable for things about which they could not possibly have personal knowledge. Today, for example, the senior Commander in Hawaii is responsible for U.S. military operations spanning half the world’s surface—from the West coast of the United States to the east coast of Asia. His fleets sail the Pacific, the Indian Ocean, the China Sea, the Sea of Japan, the Arctic and the Antarctic. This, in the understated language of military law, is “a position of importance and responsibility.”

It was appropriate that Admiral Kimmel and General Short be relieved. In the immediate aftermath of the attack, their relief was occasioned by the need to restore confidence in the Navy and Army’s leadership, especially in the Pacific, and to get going with the war. Subsequently, investigations concluded that both commanders made errors of judgment. I have seen no information that leads me to contradict that conclusion.

The intelligence available to Admiral Kimmel and General Short was sufficient to justify a higher level of vigilance than they chose to maintain. They knew that war was imminent, they knew that Japanese tactics featured surprise attacks, and Admiral Kimmel (though not General Short) knew that the U.S. had lost track of Japan’s carriers. Further, they had the resources to maintain a higher level of vigilance. Admiral Kimmel believed that the optimum aerial reconnaissance would require covering 360 degrees around Hawaii for a sustained period. The Navy clearly did not have enough planes for that. This does not mean, however, that Admiral Kimmel had to choose between ideal aerial reconnaissance and no aerial reconnaissance. The fleet also had cruisers and destroyers that could have been used as pickets to supplement air patrols, but were not.

Different choices might not have discovered the carrier armada and might not have prevented the attack, but different choices -- a different allocation of resources -- could have reduced the magnitude of the disaster. The Navy and the Army were at a low level of alert against aerial attack. Shipboard anti-aircraft guns were firing within five minutes. The Army was not able to bring its batteries into play during the first wave of the attack and only four Army Air Corps fighters managed to get airborne. U.S. losses included 2,403 dead (1,177 of whom are entombed in the Arizona), 1,178 wounded, eight battleships, ten other vessels and more than one hundred aircraft. Japanese losses were twenty-nine aircraft, one large submarine and five midget submarines.

The official treatment of Admiral Kimmel and General Short was substantively temperate and procedurally proper.

Admiral Kimmel and General Short were the objects of public vilification. At least one Member of Congress demanded that they be summarily dismissed, stripped of rank and denied retirement benefits. They received hate mail and death threats. The public and Congress were clamoring for information about Pearl Harbor. The news media went into a feeding frenzy, gobbling up tidbits of blame and punishment. Under the circumstances, it is not surprising that information very hurtful to Admiral Kimmel and General Short—information implying that they would be court-martialed, for example—was given to the press. These things happen, often not for the most honorable of reasons. This does not mean, however, that Admiral Kimmel and General Short were victims of a smear campaign orchestrated by government officials.

In contrast to their treatment by some of the media, their official treatment was substantively temperate. They were relieved, they reverted to two-star rank, and under the laws in force at the time, their retirements were at the two-star Level. Although there was mention of court martial, no charges were brought. Indeed, official statements and investigations seemed purposely to avoid wording that would lead to court martial. For example, the Roberts Commission used the phrase “dereliction of duty”—a stinging rebuke, but at the time not a court martial offense. The Roberts Commission avoided other phrases, such as “culpable inefficiency” and neglect of duty”, that were court martial offenses. Later investigations such as the Joint Congressional Committee report eschewed “dereliction” in favor of “errors of judgment.”

Admiral Kimmel requested a court martial in order to clear his name, but the request was not acted on. There is an allegation that the government feared bringing charges because a court martial would have put other senior military and civilian leaders in a bad light. This is possible. But it is equally possible that there simply were not sufficient grounds to sustain a successful prosecution. A court marital almost certainly would have revealed the existence of Magic, a key U.S. intelligence asset.

I do not find major fault with the procedures used in the investigations. Family members have complained that Admiral Kimmel and General Short were denied “due process”; that is, they were not allowed to call their own witnesses or to cross-examine witnesses. But the calling and cross-examination of witnesses is characteristic of trials, not of investigations. Some of the investigations may have been more thorough than others, but I do not see a convincing basis for concluding that Admiral Kimmel and General Short were victims of government scapegoating or of a government-inspired smear campaign.

History has not been hostile to Admiral Kimmel and General Short.

None of the official reports ever held that Admiral Kimmel and General Short were solely responsible for the Pearl Harbor disaster, although the Roberts Commission came close. Later reports eschewed the stinging “dereliction of duty” rebuke in favor of “errors of judgment.”

Historians who write about Pearl Harbor seem to be divided into three camps: those who hold Admiral Kimmel and General Short partly (but not solely) responsible; those who believe they were scapegoats; and those who lay much of the blame on bureaucratic factors such as the lack of coordination between the Army and the Navy. National Park Service guides at the Arizona Memorial, for example, focus on the factors that led to war and on the tactics used in the attack, not on individual military leaders. A thirty-minute film produced exclusively for use at the Arizona Memorial mentions Admiral Kimmel and General Short only once, and not at all disparagingly. Admiral Kimmel and General Short are not discussed prominently or disparagingly in history classes at West Point, Annapolis and the Air Force Academy. Of eight U.S. history texts in use at the service academies today, one is critical of Admiral Kimmel. Thus, while their reputations may have been damaged in the years immediately following Pearl Harbor, the passage of time has produced balance.

There is not a compelling basis for advancing either officer to a higher grade.

Their superiors concluded that Admiral Kimmel and General Short did not demonstrate the judgment required of people who serve at the three- and four-star level. That conclusion may seem harsh, but it is made all the time. I have not seen a convincing basis for contradicting it in the instant case. It also is important to keep in mind that retirement at the two-star grade is not an insult or a stigma. Very few officers rise to that level of distinction.

Retirement at three- and four-star level was not a right in 1947 and is not today. Officers are nominated for retirement at that level by the President at the President’s discretion and based on his conclusion that they served satisfactorily at the temporary grades. His nomination is subject to the advice and consent of the Senate. A nominee’s errors and indiscretions must be reported to the Senate as adverse information.

In sum, I cannot conclude that Admiral Kimmel and General Short were victims of unfair official actions and thus I cannot conclude that the official remedy of advancement on the retired list in order. Admiral Kimmel and General Short did not have all the resources they felt necessary. Had they been provided more intelligence and clearer guidance, they might have understood their situation more clearly and behaved differently. Thus, responsibility for the magnitude of the Pearl Harbor disaster must be shared. But this is not a basis for contradicting the conclusion, drawn consistently over several investigations, that Admiral Kimmel and General Short committed errors of judgment. As commanders, they were accountable.

Admiral Kimmel and General Short suffered greatly for Pearl Harbor. They lost men for whom they were responsible. They felt that too much of the blame was placed on them. Their children and grandchildren continue to be haunted by it all. For all this, there can be sadness. But there can be no official remedy. I recommend that you provide a copy of this memorandum and attachment to Senator Thurmond, the failies of Admiral Kimmel and General Short, the secretaries of Army and Navy and other interested parties.